Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Walk in the Snow

The week before last we got our first heavy snow. (Well, heavy in my mind! It was the first time they actually had to plow it.) It was Sunday afternoon, so while David was at work I decided to go for a walk. It snowed the whole time. I put on layer after layer after layer and headed out for my usual loop. It took about three times as long, but was ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. Sure, the cold is wearing on me, but this snow was nothing short of magical. I got some funny looks from people shoveling their driveway. I wanted to say "Hey, I'm from Alabama, don't judge me. I've never gotten to do this!" I didn't get as many or as quality pictures as I would've liked. I would pull my camera out from under my rain jacket for a few minutes but my fingers were frozen or too chunky because of gloves. But, here's what I did get so that y'all can appreciate the beauty and the crazy newness of my life here!

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