Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I'm going to quit apologizing for my lack of blogging. It'll happen when it happens. And when it doesn't - just assume that my life is full of things like work, turbo kick classes that make me laugh while I work out, laundry, back yard lounging with the neighbors, more work, dishes, and novels read in giant gulps while neglecting all other responsibilities. 

But for today, here are some things I'm grateful for... 

This simple reminder on an ancient gravestone. 
These lovely magnolia and cotton wreaths on James Madison's house. I guess I especially loved the front door since we got there too late to go inside. 
 This sunrise each morning outside my kitchen window. 
 The long awaited, highly anticipated, and much celebrated first spotted blooms of spring.
This awesome scene of blurry cherry trees when we drove to DC and couldn't find a parking spot so we drove home.
Seeing this rather unimpressive piece of classic 'Merica with my own two eyeballs. And knowing all the sweeter what it represents when I get constant reminders of the way Christians are treated all over the world. 

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